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Cloudinary Video Player


The player is based on VideoJS. That means that you may customise the Player's visual components (buttons, menus, etc') by using VideoJS's components architecture.
The example below shows how to create our own custom 'previous track' and 'next track' button components, and use them in our players.
It also shows how to pass parameters to the Cloudinary player's underlying VideoJS player instance.

Read more about VideoJS components.

Example Code:


      <!-- We used FontAwesome for the 'Previous' and 'Next' controlBar buttons -->
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">

      <!-- Add required CSS for displaying the fonts -->
      <style type="text/css">
        .vjs-control.vjs-playlist-control:before {
          font-family: FontAwesome;
          font-size: 1.5em;
          line-height: 2.0;

        .vjs-playlist-control.vjs-playlist-next-control:before {
          content: "\f050";
        .vjs-playlist-control.vjs-playlist-previous-control:before {
          content: "\f049";

        class="cld-video-player cld-video-player-skin-dark"
        data-cld-transformation='{ "width": 500, "crop": "limit" }'>

      <div id="source-data">
        <span id="public-id-placeholder"></span><br>
        <span id="source-url-placeholder"></span>


      // Code for creating the VideoJS components
      // ===============================================

      // Get the ClickableComponent base class from Video.js
      var ClickableComponent = videojs.getComponent('ClickableComponent');

      // Create a common class for playlist buttons
      var PlaylistButton = videojs.extend(ClickableComponent, {
        constructor: function(player, options) {
          var type = options.type;
          if (!type && type != 'previous' && type != 'next') {
            throw new Error("Playlist must be either 'previous' or 'next'");

          this.type = type;

          // It is important to invoke the superclass before anything else,
          // to get all the features of components out of the box!
          ClickableComponent.apply(this, arguments);

        // The `createEl` function of a component creates its DOM element.
        createEl: function() {
          var typeCssClass = 'vjs-playlist-' + this.type + '-control';

          return videojs.createEl('button', {

            // Prefixing classes of elements within a player with "vjs-"
            // is a convention used in Video.js.
            className: 'vjs-control vjs-playlist-control vjs-button ' + typeCssClass

      // Create the NextButton component
      var NextButton = videojs.extend(PlaylistButton, {
        constructor: function(player, options) {
          PlaylistButton.apply(this, [player, { type: 'next' }]);

        handleClick: function() {

          // Since the component has a VideoJS Player object, we use the internal
          // Cloudinary plugin to reach to the playlist object.

      // Create the PreviousButton component
      var PreviousButton = videojs.extend(PlaylistButton, {
        constructor: function(player, options) {
          PlaylistButton.apply(this, [player, { type: 'previous' }]);

        handleClick: function() {

      // Register the component with Video.js, so it can be used in players.
      videojs.registerComponent('NextButton', NextButton);
      videojs.registerComponent('PreviousButton', PreviousButton);

      // Cloudinary Video Player related code
      // ====================================
      var cld = cloudinary.Cloudinary.new({ cloud_name: 'miki-cloudinary' });

      // Initialize player with only the controlBar's 'playToggle' and our
      // custom components set.
      var player = cld.videoPlayer('example-player', {
        videojs: {
          controlBar: { children: ['PreviousButton', 'playToggle', 'NextButton'] }

        { publicId: 'oceans', transformation: { angle: 45 } },
        'book'], { autoAdvance: 0, repeat: true });

      function updateSource() {
        var divElem = document.querySelector("div#source-data");

        publicIdElem = divElem.querySelector("#public-id-placeholder");
        sourceUrlElem = divElem.querySelector("#source-url-placeholder");

        publicIdElem.innerText = "Public Id: " + player.currentPublicId();
        sourceUrlElem.innerText = "Source URL: " + player.currentSourceUrl();

        divElem.style.display = 'block';

      player.on('sourcechanged', updateSource);