The player supports the use of fluid layouts for dynamically adjusting the player size
to it's surrounding contents.
To use this functionality, simply add the 'cld-fluid' css class to the player, or pass
'fluid: true' to the player's constructor.
Try decreasing the window size to see the fluid layout support in action.
Use the toggle button below the player toggle the 'fluid layout support' feature.
HTML: <video id="example-player" controls muted autoplay class="cld-video-player cld-video-player-skin-dark cld-fluid" data-cld-transformation='{ "width": 500, "crop": "limit" }'> </video> <br /> <button id="toggle-fluid" class="btn btn-default">Disable Fluid</button> JavaScript: var cld ={ cloud_name: 'miki-cloudinary' }); // Initialize player var player = cld.videoPlayer('example-player'); // Define source var source = { publicId: 'oceans', info: { title: 'Oceans', subtitle: 'A movie about oceans' } }; // Play source player.source(source).play(); // Handle Fluid toggle button document.querySelector("button#toggle-fluid").addEventListener("click", function() { isFluid = !player.fluid() player.fluid(isFluid); this.innerHTML = isFluid ? 'Disable Fluid' : 'Enable Fluid' });